Dust off your rusty French and speak basic French with confidence!

Beyond bonjour: French Foundations reboot

with Elevate French

This group class uses a step-by-step approach to help you speak in daily interactions on your next trip to France or Québec.

By the end of this program, you’ll speak a comprehensive A2 level (novice high) French that will allow you to converse in French about your hobbies, likes, dislikes, and routines. You’ll refresh your French and overcome the jitters that you may feel while speaking French, all while in a welcoming environment.

Let’s make sure you’re a good fit for this course!

You’re the right fit for Beyond Bonjour: French Foundations Reboot with Elevate French if you want to feel confident speaking French on your next trip.

You don’t want to just order a coffee in French, you want to ask the French shopkeeper if that dress you tried on comes in black.

You dream of speaking French with ease and feeling proud of yourself while interacting with French speakers.

If you are:

  • Rusty with your high school or college French and ready to refresh it

  • A lover of French language and culture who’s always dreamed of sitting on a café terrasse in France or Québec and eavesdropping on the French around you

  • A life-long learner looking to build neurological connections and strengthen your memory, proven benefits of language learning

  • A professional hoping to add French to your repertoire to increase your career advancement opportunities in Canada, France, or the U.S.

  • An avid traveler who would like to spend more time in France or Québec, where you hope to communicate with locals and soak in the culture beyond just “Bonjour”

You're in the right place!

Beyond Bonjour: French Foundations Reboot will give you the knowledge, support, and confidence to successfully navigate basic conversations in French and get one step closer to your dream French-speaking self!

By the end of this French course, you'll be able to: 

Order at a café or restaurant with confidence

And impress your family and friends with your French skills!

Speak about the past, present, and future

Confidently communicate in basic conversations with the step-by-step formulas to learning verbs and grammar.

Describe your likes and dislikes in French

Get a conversation going with your French and Francophone friends by talking about what you like to do and inviting them to join.

Go shopping and ask for directions

Get around town, ask your size, and pay for your purchases.

Ask and answer common conversational questions

Talk about your day, make plans with friends, make reservations, and understand questions you’ll need for travel.

Understand the people you speak with in daily conversations

Comprehend the main ideas when conversing with French and Québécois people about daily life. Recognize the main differences between French in France and Québec. 

Still not sure if this course is for you? 

Click here to book a call with Dr. Nat

Beyond Bonjour: French Foundations Reboot

 is officially open for enrollment!

But not for long! This is your last chance to take Beyond Bonjour in 2024! 

The 10-week Elevate French course runs from September 9-November 15 and includes 20 live Zoom sessions to practice your French. You'll have lifetime access to the 36 pre-recorded mini lessons and dozens of activities in the course platform. 

Reserve your spot now to get a special bonus!

Pronounce French Like a Pro: Live pronunciation workshop training

$347 USD

Plus, you’ll receive Beginner Writing Activities for Personalized Feedback if you pay in full! 

Interested in a payment plan? Two payments of $187. Click here to participate in the payment plan.

Before, I was learning without much structure; however, with Beyond Bonjour, I was able to make steady progress. The module videos were extremely organized and well-integrated with real-life scenarios. With the live conversation, I was challenged to figure out how to formulate sentences impromptu, which is critical in language learning.

-Chaewon M.

Success stories from Beyond Bonjour

This course is the best way I have seen to learn a language in a meaningful way.  Canned courses do not compare! Having a small class with live interaction is really helpful. The course significantly improved my pronunciation and helped me to understand past tense in a way I never did before.  Most importantly, Dr. Natalie gave me the tools and the confidence to speak French instead of just relying upon what I could write and read.

-Donna S.

It sparked back so much of my learning from high school. It amazed me how quickly everything came back. It also provided an opportunity for me to sit down and focus on studying every week. I think the course is extremely helpful and Natalie does an amazing job teaching.

-Amy A.

What's inside?

A clear, step-by-step formula for speaking basic everyday French. This research-backed curriculum takes out the confusion of cobbling together a study plan on your own.

The course is based on the standards of the Common European Framework of Reference for novice levels (A1 and A2). Beyond Bonjour includes lifetime access to on demand video lessons and exercises for you to go back and review!

Module 01: Bienvenue [Welcome]

  • Introduce yourself to peers, say where you're from, describe how you're feeling today

  • Learn how to decide if words are masculine or feminine

  • Practice the most common verbs in French

Module 02: Ta famille et tes amis [Your family & friends]

  • Describe your family and friends including age, interests, and profession

  • Form a study pod with your classmates

  • Bonus: Pronounce French Like a Pro! Live Workshop

Module 03: Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire? [What do you like to do?]

  • Ask questions in French

  • Talk about the future with the futur proche and futur simple

  • Make plans for the weekend, using words for the day, month, and season

Module 04: Ta routine matinale [Your morning routine]

  • Discuss your daily routine with reflexive verbs

  • Talk about the time that you do different activities

  • Ask and answer questions about the weather

Module 05: Faisons du shopping [Let's go shopping] 

  • Speak with the store clerk to talk about sizes, colours, styles, and payment

  • Compare products at the store

  • Use key phrases to ask for directions around town

Module 06: Au café et au restaurant [In the café and restaurant]

  • Order at a restaurant, café, or ice cream shop.

  • Use key phrases to ask about the menu, state dietary restrictions or preferences, and place an order

  • Understand the main differences in accent between Paris and Montreal French

Module 07: L'année dernière [Last year]

  • Describe what you do and used to do with the passé composé and imparfait

  • Talk about holidays and traditions

  • Increase your speaking fluidity and listening comprehension

Module 08: Les vacances [On vacation]

  • Plan the logistics of your next airport, taxi, Uber, train, or hotel 

  • Ask and answer common travel-related questions

  • Speak with object pronouns to avoid repetition

  • Celebrate your progress !


Enroll now to grab these bonuses that will help you impress locals with your polished French!

Bonus bundle value : $122 (free if you purchase now!)

Pronounce French Like a Pro: 

Live online pronunciation workshop to help you master the most common tricky sounds and words for beginner learners. Plus, fun tongue twister practice in small groups and expert feedback about where to put your lips and tongue to produce that tricky R and all those vowel sounds! 

Pay in full for this exclusive bonus:

Beginner Writing Activities for Personalized Feedback

Pay for the course in full ($347 USD) and you’ll receive Beginner Writing Activities for Personalized Feedback. In addition to the individual speaking feedback included in the class, you’ll get exclusive access to personalized feedback on your writing. This will help you master how to put sentences together in French, preparing you to exchange text messages and emails with other French speakers!

Inside beyond bonjour: French Foundations Reboot… 

Let me make your French learning journey structured, motivating, and fun with:

  • 36 on demand lessons

Learn French phrases and grammar step-by-step from someone who’s been in your shoes learning French! With lifetime access, you can come back to these videos at any time to review.

  • Weekly Zoom Conversation Class for 10 Weeks

Improve your speaking in the welcoming environment of our weekly Conversation Class on Zoom. Live sessions are recorded so that you can still practice even if you can’t attend live. 

  • Weekly Zoom Office Hours for 10 Weeks

Get all your questions answered and practice roleplay scenarios with your peers. Office Hours are recorded so that you can catch the replay if you can’t make it live. 

  • Dozens of practice activities with immediate feedback

Master the vocabulary and structures you're learning with fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, conjugation, crossword, vocabulary activities and more!

  • Private class community

Practice speaking with your peers outside of class on our private video discussion board! This is where you’ll find a practice buddy and can practice your French at any time of day by responding to a peer. You'll get personalized feedback from me on your pronunciation, grammar, and/or vocabulary as you progress with French!

  • Lifetime access to the course

Keep your French going after our 10 weeks of live lessons by reviewing the on demand videos and exercises. You'll have lifetime access to all the on demand lessons and practice exercises.

  • Encouragement and support from a French teaching expert

I learned French from scratch and I know exactly what you're going through as you try to pronounce the French R and remember which words are masculine and feminine. I'm here with weekly pep talks and French language learning tips to keep you going! 

My 10+ years of teaching French at universities and community colleges, coupled with my PhD in Second Language Acquisition & Teaching, have made me into your teacher, your cheerleader, and your #1 support for French learning questions.

Dive in with a 


14-Day Guarantee

Choosing to invest in your language learning journey can feel like a big step!

You can set your nerves aside with this risk-free 14-day Guarantee.

If you put in the work during the first two weeks and find the course isn't right for you, you can get a refund by following these steps:

  • Take the first two modules of the course's pre-recorded mini lessons on our course platform September 9-September 20

  • Complete all the activities in the first two modules of the course and take screenshots of your progress

  • Attend the first four live sessions (September 10,  September 12, September 17 and September 19, 2024) and participate in the conversations on Zoom

  • Submit the above documentation as well as a paragraph explaining what you tried with the course and why you don't think it is for you.

  • The deadline for refund requests is September 20, 2024.

  • All of the above documentation is required to receive a refund.

If you find that you're better suited to The Intermediate French Class, you can transfer courses free of charge by September 15, 2024. Email natalie@elevatefrench.com to request a refund or to transfer courses.



FAQs 〰️

Here's what other Beginning French learners are asking…


Language-learning apps focus on vocabulary recognition. They do not focus on getting you conversational in French. Although you get practice repeating words on a screen, you don't practice speaking in real context. 

In Beyond Bonjour, you'll get 20 live opportunities to speak French and access to our private community to find a study partner and continue your French practice. You'll also get a bank of grammar lessons and activities that explain grammar rules, which Duolingo does not do. 


Classes run for 10 weeks from September 9-November 15.

  • Office Hours are Tuesdays, 3:30-4:00pm Eastern Time (New York/Montreal)

  • Conversation Classes are Thursdays, 3:00-4:00pm Eastern Time (New York/Montreal)

All 20 live Conversation Classes and Office Hours are recorded so that you can watch the replays and practice on your own time, even if you can't attend live. 


This level is for you if:

  • You have some exposure to French but you still feel like a beginner. Maybe you learned some in high school or college, or you've toyed around with apps. You may or may not remember the basics and that's okay - we'll start from the top!

  • You're looking for a class that focuses on speaking skills. You'll get two live opportunities to practice your speaking each week, and weekly personalized feedback on your speaking.

  • You're looking for a comprehensive and step-by-step guide to get you speaking and conversing in French for your next trip, or for your dream of living in France or Québec.

  • You're a total beginner and you're ready to put in the work to level up your French quickly!

If you feel more advanced, check out The Intermediate French Class with Elevate French. You can transfer courses free of charge by September 15, 2024. Email natalie@elevatefrench.com to transfer. Still not sure of your level? Book a chat with Dr. Nat to decide which course is right for you.


To get the most out of the course, carve out 4-5 hours per week for the next 10 weeks. You’ll use this time to watch the on demand lessons, complete practice activities, attend office hours, and practice your French in the weekly Conversation Class. 

Sometimes life gets in the way, and that’s why we record the live lessons. You can go back and review them at your leisure during the 10 weeks of course. Plus,  you’ll have lifetime access to the online portal to rewatch your on demand lessons and refresh your French with the activity banks.


Yes! You have lifetime access to the course platform, including the on demand lessons and exercises.


I get it: this is a big investment in your French language learning! Yes, you can get a refund on this course in the first 14 days if you follow the steps outlined in the section above! 


Oui! You will have access to our online class platform with on demand lessons and exercises. We'll also use Zoom for our live Conversation Classes and Office Hours for 10 weeks from September 9-November 15.


All you need is internet connection and a laptop or tablet. I recommend accessing the course platform from a laptop, but you can also view it from a tablet or smartphone. You may also want a pair of headphones and a notebook to take notes as you learn.


I’m here to help you! Click here to set up a video chat with me, Dr. Natalie Amgott! Or contact me at natalie@elevatefrench.com


If you're still thinking… 

“This course sounds incredible, but I'm not sure If I should sign up…”

Keep reading!

You should join us for Beyond Bonjour: French Foundations Reboot for a Risk-Free 14-Day Guarantee if you're feeling any of the following: 

YOU GET NERVOUS just thinking about speaking French, but you want to speak it so badly!

You’ve studied up with your favorite language learning app before your trip. You arrive into the restaurant, rehearsing your lines in your head so that you can ask for a table and order in French. But then the server says something unexpected and all the French flies out of your head.

In Beyond Bonjour: French Foundations Reboot, you’ll learn strategies to avoid freezing up. You’ll practice speaking your French in a structured environment twice a week. The practice speaking activities will help you speak French calmly and confidently in basic daily interactions! 

YOU KNOW LIFE IS BUSY, but you're ready to carve out the time. you don't want another year to go by without pursuing your french-speaking goals.

By now, you understand that there will be no ideal time where the demands of “life” will stop and you’ll have time appear in your schedule to start pursuing your French passion. Rather, consciously carving out the time now will have a positive ripple effect on your French learning down the road. If you’re ready to dedicate 4-5 hours a week of your time for the next 10 weeks, you’ll see lasting results in your French-speaking confidence and the strategies you develop to keep learning French down the road. 

YOU'RE EXHAUSTED from cobbling together your own study plan and yearn for a community to speak French with.

You’ve tried all the apps and you’re signed up to all the French-learning newsletters, but you feel directionless in your French studies. You’re ready to hit the ground running with a path to success laid out for you. You know that you benefit from structure and routine, and that learning with like-minded peers will help you solidify and apply everything you’re learning. 

Rekindle your French learning with 

Beyond Bonjour: French Foundations Reboot!

$347 USD


Dr. Natalie Amgott

Imagine yourself crushing your goals in French: ordering your favorite pastry and coffee, sitting at a cafe, watching the passersby, and understanding the main ideas of the conversations floating around you on the cobblestoned streets.

Imagine yourself speaking French with a strong and clear voice, without nerves.

Imagine what it would feel like to be able to hold daily conversations in French with your French co-workers and Francophone friends.

Imagine how you would feel if you heard a French song and you understood the French refrain. If you read a recipe in French and you thought “I've got this”!

I know you can meet your goals in French and I'm here to teach you step-by-step, to give you personalized feedback, and to give you the encouragement you need.

I'm Dr. Natalie Amgott. Just like you, I learned French from scratch as a non-native speaker. I began learning French at a young age and it was a coup de foudre (love at first sight). I continued learning French with a B.A. in French and an M.A. in French linguistics.While studying in Québec and teaching French in Paris, I lived immersion experiences that enabled me to communicate proficiently in both Québec French and French from France.

But it wasn’t always an easy path! For my first 5 years learning French, I got told that I spoke “like a textbook,” because I’d mainly learned from textbooks!

When I began teaching French 10 years ago, I realized I wanted to teach without emphasis on textbooks. I wanted to use teaching methods to help you speak French like real French speakers, without the awkwardness or formality of textbook French.

During my PhD in Second Language Acquisition & Teaching, I taught and researched technology-enhanced teaching practices and went on to establish my business, Elevate French, LLC. Now I weave the efficient and research-informed practices into Elevate French lessons to help you feel more confident, competent, and comprehensible when speaking French.

In Beyond Bonjour: French Foundations Reboot, I’ve laid out a 10 week path for you to follow. All you’ll need to do to see your French improve quickly is to set aside a few hours each week to engage with the on demand lessons and activities and to attend the live speaking practice. 

I’ll be here, rooting for you every step of the way!

Allons-y, c'est parti - let's go!


Dr. Natalie Amgott


$347 USD